Welcome to the Pure Worship Podcast! Everyone wants to get closer to God, but not everyone knows the steps to take to do so. In this energizing podcast, releasing every Tuesday, Jeff Deyo and Josh Edwards encourage and challenge you with practical tips on how to grow your personal walk with God as well as to ensure you are keeping Kingdoms pursuits first in your life. For more info, visit JeffDeyo.com.

Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Wired For Worship
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
What were you born for? What's your biggest dream? What are you hoping to be known for? Are you ready to give it everything you've got? OK. Cool. What if you discovered that your top design characteristic as a human being is to worship God with every breath? With every heartbeat? With your songs AND your life? Would this bum you out? Or would you embrace your calling with absolute gusto? What if you discovered that every person on the planet has one single calling that trumps every other passion in life? To love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your mind, and your strength. The most important reason for your existence. Your greatest calling. Your greatest assignment. This one thing. The thing that God hardwired into your spiritual DNA. For better or for worse. Will you embrace your destiny? Will you allow it to powerfully impact everything else in your life? It's time. Because you were born for this.

Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Protection In His Presence
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Are you or someone you know struggling with fear, panic attacks, sleeplessness, or anxiety? It may seem too simple a fix, but in this week's podcast, Josh and Jeff put forth the scriptural notion that engaging in intimate relationship with the Prince of Peace is the answer to many of today's issues, whether it’s danger from terrorists and natural disasters or problems with mental health. We're way too quick to attempt to tap into natural solutions when God is calling us to reach out for his supernatural help. We look to medicine and counseling without truly developing deep and personal relationship with the God who is our Great Physician and who’s Spirit is our Comforter and Counselor. It’s simply not enough to say a few prayers and then move on to other means. God is inviting us to dwell daily in his presence in order that we walk in freedom and healing, protection and security in every area of our lives.

Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Because He Loves Us
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
In many ways, choosing to worship God is the ultimate act of selfishness! How? Because when we worship him by faith—even when we don't feel like it and even when we don't understand—it not only benefits the Kingdom of God and everyone around us, it also benefits us! In the same way, choosing not to worship God—choosing not to respond to his invitation—keeps us from receiving everything God has for us. It's true. We often have it backwards. We imagine worship is something we do in order to get God's attention or something we do in order to punch our ticket to heaven, but Christ Dupre says it this way; "We don't worship God to gain his affection, but because we already have it." Yes! Worship is always a beautiful response to an incredible revelation of who God is—to how much he loves us and how much he has done for us. The only question is, how will we respond?

Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Worship Is Not For God
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
If you don't know where we're headed with the title of this podcast, you could already be fuming. And we're super sorry about that. Truthfully, that is not our intention. In fact, we promise, we're not trying to tick you off at all, and we're definitely not trying to make worship about us. There’s no doubt. Worship is always 100% ABOUT God and TO God, but it was designed FOR us. Thing is, God did not create this incredible thing called worship to build up his ego, but to build up our lives in Him. See, while he does want relationship with us, he doesn't need it. On the other hand, we simply cannot survive without worship, because he wired us with a foundational need to worship Him. This is our very life blood, and without relational worship, our spirits will shrivel up and die. So, grab your ear buds, open your heart, and jump in with us on the conversation!

Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Aiding Our Awakening with Singing
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Holy cow, have we ever underestimated the power of singing! In our first five podcasts, Josh and I have been pounding away at the idea that worship is sooooooo much more than a song, but now it's time to be reminded why singing is truly unlike any other expression in worship. There are incredible bondage breaking, burden lifting truths scattered all throughout the scriptures that are literally going to set us free. If you've been in bondage to certain sins or fear or anxiety or insecurity for years, we're going to show you how to break free from these chains once and for all. It's so simple you probably won't even believe it. But you and I are no different from the travelers we find in the Bible. If their chains can be broken through musical praise and worship, ours can too. Don't believe it? Try us and listen in to our latest podcast. You won't be disappointed!

Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
My Whole Life Is Worship
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Is worship a song, or is it something that happens in every facet of our lives? There seems to be much confusion on the topic, forcing many to choose sides. But, as you might expect, worship is both something that can happen with singing and in services as well as something that happens as we live our lives in worship. In this episode, Josh and Jeff break it all down, helping us remember that God is not only involved in the "spiritual" elements of our lives, but also powerfully in our work, our play, and our day to day activities. They challenge us not to push God out of the "normal" parts of life, but to invite him into all aspects of our lives to help keep us accountable so we are only engaging in activities that bring glory to God, whether in the majestic or the mundane!

Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Intimacy Before Ministry
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
As we know, there are many roadblocks standing in the way of true fellowship with the Father. The enemy is all over this! In this podcast, Josh and Jeff unpack one of the big ones. And even though it is one of the least discussed, it is certainly one of the most important, especially for leaders and seasoned believers. We have a huge propensity toward attempting to bolster our identity through DOING for God rather than through BEING with God. This is fairly common and yet very dangerous, and God, because of his great love for us, is not going to allow us to live in this deception. Why? Because he knows we will derail our lives if we try build them on anything other than true, unadulterated relationship with him. Let's talk!

Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
God’s Presence—What Is It?
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
What exactly is the presence of God? Does it come? Can it leave? Is it an “it”…or what? What if we came to grips with the fact that it is possible to spend time singing worship songs, reading the Bible, and going to church and yet never actually enter God’s presence? What if we really understood that God’s presence isn’t actually found in the soft music we often hear at the end of a service? As Christians, we often use words and phrases we don’t completely understand, some of which have taken on different meanings then originally intended. In this podcast, Jeff and Josh look into exactly what God’s presence is. Their findings will surprise and free you in ways you wouldn’t imagine.

Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Awakening Pure Worship In Me
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
The heart behind this podcast is to remind us that everyone is invited to the party, to cultivate a face to face walk with God. Not just Abraham and Moses, not just Paul and the Apostles. But you, too! Josh and Jeff share personal stories from their lives of exactly how God awakened a heart of biblically based, relational worship in them. These stories will without a doubt inspire you in your journey, helping you understand how you can experience the same close friendship with God you were created for. You may be disenfranchised as you hear preachers, authors, and other podcasters talk about their close walks with God, wondering if this is beyond your reach. But this podcast will help you rekindle that hope—a hope that says you are not left out from real and tangible, close fellowship with God. He is for you, and he wants this intimate friendship with you as much as with anyone.

Sunday Sep 02, 2018
The Secret Place
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
In this modern age, so few of us understand the idea that there is nothing more important in life than being with God in the secret place. The secret place represents the time we spend alone with God in fellowship, studying the Bible, praying, worshiping in song, being still, listening to his voice, etc. Everything else in life flows powerfully and purposefully out of the time we invest in communion with God, in in our alone time with him. This is how God designed us, to funtion best, to be most fulfilled, and to be most fruitful when we're living out of the beauty of the secret place. This is where mental and physical healing arise, protection is found, and strength in life is born. Tune in as Jeff and Josh chat about this foundational, life-giving space. The secret place.